El desayuno

A sensual celebration of food motivated me to put together a group of people to capture their nakedness. The foundations of the project takes place from a happening in which action is built on food and the narrative is dictated by coexisting.

In 2018 I invited some people over for breakfast on the condition that they did it naked. My team, spearheaded by Andrea Garay, Catalina Navarrete and Sebastián Santamaría, saw great scenic potential and in 2020 we put together a second happening.

The imprints of every performance, the video record and pictorial pieces are a diagram of the nudity, cohabitation-pleasure route. That’s how the Breakfast series originated, and it’s still going.

Feature film.

Fourteen people inhabit their own skin to bear witness to sunrise and share their bodies while the rising sun sheds light over the space. Interaction is the key to the happening and the premise is to celebrate life, freedom and pleasure.

Miguel Caso in collaboration with Hekatombe Producción Artística.

You can rent the full version here.




Work in painting.



Texts about the project.


By Kuratrix (Esp/Eng). 

Via Laetāris

By Miguel Casco (Esp/Eng). 

El cuerpo como principio de control y libertad.

By Jeannette Betancourt (Esp/Eng). 

Intento de rastreo iconográfico de la serie El desayuno de Miguel Casco.

By Jorge Reynoso Pohlenz (Esp/Eng).

El desayuno.

By Humberto Chávez Mayol (Esp/Eng).