Send Nudes

People will share their intimacy, I will paint it.


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Work in painting.

Texts about the project.


Conversations / Reflections

(Esp, Eng).

Gonzalo Vélez on Send Nudes.

By Gonzalo Vélez (Esp, Eng).

Send Nudes: Nudity in Virtuality.

By Veka Duncan (Esp, Eng).

Love yourself, care for yourself, be vulnerable

By María José González Camarena (Esp, Eng).

Bodily Constructions

By Pamela Meraz Taboada (Esp, Eng).

Transparency and Opacity

By Hugo Alejandro Vega (Esp, Eng).

Send Nudes.

By Gabriela Mosqueda (Esp, Eng).


By Humberto Chávez Mayol (Esp, Eng).

Inflections of Nudity in the Digital Age

By Miguel Casco (Esp, Eng).

Send Nudes.

By Miguel Casco (Esp, Eng).